What to Expect
Welcoming. Beginning. Exploring.

Person-Centred Counselling
Empathic. Non-Judgemental. Accepting.
Carl Rogers, an American psychologist proposed the Person-Centred Approach in the 1950s. His approach focused on the clients' experience of themselves, rather than the counsellor being the expert telling the client what to do, or what was wrong with them. The quality of the relationship between the counsellor and the client is fundamental, with the counsellor demonstrating what is known as the Core Conditions (Unconditional Positive Regard, Congruence and Empathy) that will form the foundation of the relationship.
Counselling Sessions
Trust. Collaboration. Movement.
I offer an initial free, fifteen-minute phone consultation where you can talk about your situation and expectations of counselling and I can assess whether I feel I could be helpful to you. At the end of the consultation, we can arrange a first counselling session where we can talk about how we might work together.
Your first counselling session will give you an opportunity to discuss in more detail your issues and expectations. During the session I will explain how counselling works and answer any questions you may have. I will also ask you to sign a counselling agreement which sets out our commitments to the counselling process as client and counsellor and establishes clear boundaries.
BACP Introduction to Counselling and Psychotherapy Information Sheet

Reviewing Progress and Endings
Insight. Growth. Resilience.
Having regular reviews during counselling helps both the client and counsellor to share their understanding of the process and be clear about the areas of focus and whether they are in line with the client’s initial expectations.
In my practice I have regular reviews every few sessions to make sure you are finding the process helpful.
The decision to end counselling is usually determined by the client when they recognise their situation has improved or their issues are more manageable. This typically means the booking of at least one more session to allow time to review and acknowledge what the client has taken from the counselling process and how they will sustain their improvements and progress once the sessions have ended.
In my practice I have no limit to the number of sessions a client can have. The counselling process can continue for as long as we both feel it is helping you. If, however you or I feel I am not offering the counselling support you need, I will happily offer to support you to find a counsellor who can help you.
Counselling is not a one-time-only service and I am always happy for clients to contact me again in the future if their circumstances change and they want more counselling support.